Howdy Tag-Along Farmers
Life is weird these days. It is for all of us. Well, for us humans. In some ways our lives here on the farm have been turned upside down just like the rest of you. And then in some ways, spring keeps springing just like she has always sprung. Wild turkeys gobble and strut, juvenile red-bellied woodpeckers try to eat the metal gutters, the orchard is blooming in waves, and the farm animals are doing their thing. As usual, nature keeps us grounded. I hope ya’ll are keeping well and grounded also.
Here’s our spring update:
This winter for us was largely spent getting the business of the farm made official, getting everything planned and organized, and clearing and building and clearing and building. We are in the midst of preparing the poultry processing building. Our first processing day is scheduled for early May so everybody cross your fingers we can get this project done in time! Our first batch of broiler chicks arrived the last week of March and the brooder house is fluffed and snug and peeping.

With the arrival of spring we cast off our winter laze. The sofa blankets are stowed away and the books are back on the shelves because who in the world ever wants to be inside at a time like this? This is the time of perpetual rains, of spring peepers, of loose soil for pre season weeding, and of sunroom seed starting. It is time to clear out the remaining rubbish from the garden and shed, to clean and tune up the trowels and shovels and work gloves.
We are transitioning our duck flock into a new to us breed: Silver Appleyards. Ducklings arrived at the end of February. We have enjoyed our Buffs and Black Swedishes but we’re looking for a slightly bigger table bird and more reliable egg production. Time will tell.

Winter lambing came and went without any problems, thank goodness. All our mamas and babies are healthy and happy. We effectively doubled our flock and are looking in 2020 to add more stock and double it again. The guard puppies, who are already giants, handled their first lambing season wonderfully. There’s not much cuter than a spunky little lambie chasing after a giant bumbling guard dog.

The ducks finally graced us with their first egg of the year on Valentine’s Day and the chickens are laying non stop. Call me if you find yourself egg deficient! We’ve got plenty!
We’ll be at the Maryville’s Farmers Market on Saturdays, 9-12, starting soon. Follow us on Instagram to get fresh updates. Message me about on-farm pickup or delivery.
Take care everybody. And thanks for following along,
This was just the soothing, lovely, life carries on update I needed. Following along vicariously every step of the way until I can make my farm trips a reality.