Livestock guardian dogs: Hawks Bane (aka Bane)(aka my favorite lovie)

Returning home last night, closing up the coops, I saw a young layer chicken, dead and picked over on the ground.

See, we had moved Bane away from the layers last week and replaced him with Moose. We had a couple of reasons for the move. We often move dogs around to keep them engaged and cross trained. Moose has her strong points but aerial protection isn’t one. And then we lost four young layer chickens in five days.

So my main man Bane is back.
No one watches for hawks like he does.

I sat and watched the chicken flock sigh a breath of relief this morning once he was dutifully patrolling the perimeter. They had all been huddled under the coop and the briar thickets, not even coming out to finish their breakfast. Watching this dog (or anyone really) be fully engaged in his life purpose and do it so well is a pleasure.

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